Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cake Smash & The Hancock Family Session

Since April is my birthday month I figured that the April Mini Monthly Giveaway should be birthday themed. So that is exactly what I did... "Cake Smash April"! Markus was the winner of the cake smash mini shoot, which was perfect timing as he turned two at the beginning of April as well! It was the month of birthdays for this little one! I honestly do not think I have laughed so hard watching him and his two cousins rip, pull, smear, stomp, and hockey stick smash this cake! So Fun! Once the deck was an inch deep with the blue and green buttercream, I also got the opportunity to photograph the rest of Markus' family! I had such a great time with this family and could not have asked for a better day! Happy Birthday Markus!

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"Some times I get to places just when God's ready to have someone click the shutter" ~Ansel Adams