Monday, April 9, 2012

April Monthly Mini Giveaway!

Ok folks here it is... April's monthly Mini Giveaway!  Since it is my birthday month I decided that this giveaway should be themed in a birthday sort of way! April is Cake Smash Photos! If you have a little one that is between the ages of 0-3 and you are ok with them getting cake everywhere (and I mean everywhere) well then this Giveaway is for you! I'll bring the cake if you bring the baby!

The details.... all you have to do to enter is post a picture on my Facebook page  ( of the little Mister/Misses that you want to smash the cake and a reason why you think they should win. Next get anyone and everyone you know to 1st: "Like" my page (very important) and 2nd: "like" the picture. Thats it! The picture with the most "likes" by fri at midnight wins a Mini shoot (45 minutes with me, and 20 edited pictures on disk)! Fun hey! Ok so start the "Liking" and Good Luck!   xoxo

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"Some times I get to places just when God's ready to have someone click the shutter" ~Ansel Adams