First Smiles

f you remember awhile back I had the opportunity to take the maternity photos for my friends from elementary school. Well a couple weeks ago I got to meet and take the photos for that beautiful baby boy we were all waiting to meet! Baby Kyler is a doll and such a sweet heart! Congrats Ashley, Jason and Kaden on your new addition!


I love my job! I just had to say that because I get the opportunity to capture moments just like this! Owen is my new 2 day old baby nephew! I met him for the first time today and got to take some of his first pictures. That is if you don't take into account the hundreds that Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa and Gram Gram have taken! Can't wait to spoil you little man!


Another beautiful baby I got the pleasure of meeting and photographing! :)


A couple weeks ago I got to meet this little angle. Baby Addison is the beautiful baby girl is my friend Jon and Brittany, and she is such a cutie! She was such a little trooper during the shoot, and we got to see the many faces of Addison! She has got some really good ones that kept us laughing the whole time! Thanks for letting me photograph you little dolly!

thanks! xoxo


I have been so excited to edit this shoot! And this little cutie just happened to be my adorable niece, and my best friends little baby girl Natalie. Too cute! I have to say that you two make some beautiful kids! Love you guys... xoxo


Being a flight attendant full time and a photographer part time I get the opportunity to meet some amazing people and in this instance it was no different. Joanne is a fellow WestJeter and little Jordan is her very adorable nephew! I got the opportunity to do a photo shoot with little Jordan, his mom and aunt on the weekend.

This very adorable, 11 day old, little man was so fun to shoot! He had such a big personality for how old he was! He was an absolutely perfect little gentleman! Congrats Lindsay and Jon he's adorable!

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"Some times I get to places just when God's ready to have someone click the shutter" ~Ansel Adams